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Every couple has differences

Verfasst: Di Mai 15, 2012 12:34 pm
von alte häsin
hier mal was in englisch – einfache rezepte, aber anwendbar....

Every couple has differences. Inter-cultural couples just have more of them.
Dr. Susan Heitler
What can be done about the reality that cross-cultural coupling means that the loving partners will face many issues about which they differ?

The good news is that resolving differences in a way that yields a solution that both partners like is mainly a matter of technical skills at shared problem-solving. Learn the three steps for turning His-Way versus Her-Way conflicts in Our-way solutions and life together can flow smoothly.


Re: Every couple has differences

Verfasst: Di Mai 15, 2012 1:28 pm
von John Doe
bingo! sehr gut!

"Bonnie and Bernie at first fell into the trap of arguing over whose way was preferable. Big mistake.

What helped?
1. Change winner-loser, right-wrong conceptual frameworks to Both Are Right thinking.

2. Let go of tug-of-war games. Switch to exploring underlying concerns.
... exploring the underlying concerns ...

3. Create a win-win plan of action.
... avoided the trap of agreeing to compromise ... By contrast win-win problem-solving yields a plan of action responsive to all the concerns of both parties to the conflict. No one "won" their original solution. Both "won" in the sense of having created together a solution responsive to the concerns important to each of them."

sind wohl die bücher auch so gut? dann könnten wir das besprechen. :D